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Pick-Up Information

You will receive a pickup window after placing your plants.

Pickup will begin:

If you are unable to pickup your plants in your designated window, notify us immediately.We will hold your preorders for two weeks after pick-up starts, if you do not pickup your order by that date they will be released for resale and you will not receive a refund.

What You Will Receive

Pre-order Details

Open ordering begins: and ends: . Feel free to place multiple orders when we release weekly plant drops. We'll combine the orders for ease of pick-up.

You will earn FREQUENT FLOWER CARD at pickup for discount for MORE PLANTS!

Regular price $ 28.00
Regular price Sale price $ 28.00
Sale Unavailable
Shipping calculated at checkout.

Get the Plants You Want

By pre-ordering, you help to support our small business AND you get dibs on the coolest varieties around. Not every release sells out, but most do, so lock in your plants.

When life gives you Lemongrass, mosquitoes say 'No, thanks!' and chefs say 'Yes, please! Lemongrass is LOADED with aromatic oils purported to repel mosquitos! During the spring and summer, this plant is SO POPULAR it's nearly impossible to keep in stock so lock in yours NOW! We sell out of Lemongrass every year! Plant with other scented plants like Eucalyptus 'Silver Dollar' to really keep the mosquitos at bay!

When you order for spring, you’re LOCKING IN the plants you really want without the risk of sellout. These plants are grown JUST FOR YOU! Plus, you help us grow more sustainably and you'll get punches on your FREQUENT FLOWER CARD at pickup for future savings on MORE PLANTS! Thanks for shopping with our family-owned business.

New plants become available for preorder weekly. WE’LL ORGANIZE YOUR ORDERS TOGETHER AT THE TIME OF PICKUP. Click “Notify When Available” so you know when the next great plants are released for ordering.

*THIS IS A PREORDER ITEM, IT WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP IN EARLY TO MID MAY. We’ll send you an email with pick up dates WHEN your item(s) can be picked up.

These plants are custom grown for the buyer and refunds will not be issued for plants that are not picked up.


LIGHT: Full sun

In the unlikely event that we run into a crop failure we will notify you and will provide substitution or refund options.

Please note that images are a representation of our offering and not of the exact plant that you will receive. All plants are unique but we strive to provide you with an accurate depiction of what you will receive. We will handpick the best from our selection for you!

Plant with...


Light Requirements


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